Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Alejandro Magno

Ya ha sido publicado , dentro de la colección Tus libros/cuentos y Leyendas de la editorial Anaya, Alejandro Magno, de Dominique Joly. A sido todo un placer ilustrar un libro sobre uno de mis personajes históricos preferidos. Diez ilustraciones interiores en grises más portada a color y pequeño detalle para la contraportada. Dejo aquí unas muestras y espero sean de su agrado.
Tec: Gouache

"Alejandro Magno", from the writter Dominique Joly, has been already published, inside the collection "Your books / Stories and Legends" of the publishing house Anaya. It was a whole pleasure to illustrate a book about one of my historical favorite personages. Ten interior illustrations in gray and cover color and small detail for the back cover. I leave here a few samples. I hope you like it.
Tec: Gouache

1 comment:

Ciaran said...

These are incredible, your tonal work is amazing. The monochrome ones look just as good as the colour images.
In the group shot there is an image on the left side with a crowd of people and an old man at the front... could you put that up too? It looks brilliant and I'd love to see it on it's own...